Hi, I’m Brian!

I’m passionate about helping busy pastors find the margin they need to lead a healthy life and ministry. If there is anything I can do to help you or your team, just let me know!

A little about me…

After graduating from college, I married my college sweetheart, who initially saw me as just a friend during our school years. Now we have 3 awesome kids and a crazy dog, I think I broke her with a laser pointer. 

During my time at college in Boston, I developed a passion for church planting. This led me to help start a church my junior year.

Now, 18 years later, I serve as the executive pastor of that same church. It has grown to encompass 4 locations, and we’ve been instrumental in planting 7 other local churches.

Here’s what I’m up to 

Grace Church

Did you know there are more Christians in India then there are in Boston? When I learned this I knew I needed to stay and do something about it.

I helped plant Grace Church my junior year of Bible College and our driving passion is give all our friends and neighbors at least one chance to know and follow Jesus!

Helping Churches 

All 6 states of New England are in the top 10 most “unchurched” states in America. Where I live is in the middle of the #3 and #5 most “unchurched” cities in the country. 

Grace Church is passionate about planting new churches and helping established churches grow.

Ministry Library

I believe that healthy church growth starts with healthy leaders. Every churches biggest barrier is finding and developing the leaders they need. 

I created Ministry Library to help busy pastors develop leaders by using a proven system of team based video workshops. 

Secret Worshipper

The better your church does at first impressions, the more likely members will invite their lost friends.

We hire local unchurched people to visit your church so you get that raw unfiltered feedback you need to improve your first impressions. 

Productive Pastor

You have the most difficult and most important job in the world. Everything you do has eternal impact and that’s why being productive matters.

This Action Planner was designed to be a trusted advisor in your journey to become a more confident and productive pastor.

Predictive Index for Churches

Executive leaders spend 70% of  thier time on “people” related issues.  Predictive Index is a platform that helps us bring aligment between Strategy, People & Results!

The platform helps you Build Dream Teams, Hire High Impact People, Inspire Leaders & Diagnose your Culture.

Let me show how we’re using it!

Church Masterminds

Being in leadership you often feel overwhelmed and lonely. I know I’ve felt that way many times. I found that joining a group of like-minded non-biased peers helped me find clarity and community. 

I created Church Masterminds so that other church leaders don’t feel burned out or alone. 

Start Delegating

I believe that delegation is about developing people rather than dividing tasks, that empowerment through delegation accelerates growth.

My Friend Paul and I created a 12 week cohort that helps busy pastors and leaders create a system that will help them remove the tasks that drain them and free up margin in their life, while actually getting more done. Work smarted, not harder!!

Executive Pastor Podcast

I’ve been blessed to meet and work with some really great leaders and I wanted to share those connections with other executive pastors.

So I started recording some those conversations and put them in this podcast. My goal is to give you actionable content to help you and your team grow!

Helpful Stuff

The Church Systems eBook. Helping you think through the 5 visable & 10 hidden systems every church needs.

5 Leadership Pipeline Mistakes. Learn from what I did wrong! This includes that mistakes and how to fix them.

Leadership Development Loop. Learn the effective 4 step process you can use to turn volunteers into leaders!

Done-For-You Staff Meeting Calendar. 52 striaght weeks of staff/team meetings, planned and prepped for you!

More Articles

AI Planted a Church

AI Planted a Church

That’s right…. I asked AI to plant a church and it’s plan isn’t half bad! I was surprised by the depth and artificial “thoughtfulness” it had. I had a conversation with “Claude” , a newer ( and IMO better than ChatGPT) Ai interface. It has the ability to read text files that you upload and has a larger capacity to remember your conversation.

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Become a Productive Pastor

Become a Productive Pastor

You have the most difficult and most important job in the world. Everything you do has eternal impact and that’s why being productive matters. This Action Planner was designed to be a trusted advisor in your journey to become a more confident and productive pastor.

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ChatGPT for Pastors

ChatGPT for Pastors

I decided to dive in deeper and spent over 100 hours interacting with ChatGPT. Starting over 200 different conversations and asking over 2,000 questions to see how it could help pastors and church leaders.

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Let’s Chat!

If there is anything I can do to help you or your team, just let me know.