Hi, I’m Brian!

I’m passionate about helping busy pastors find the margin they need to lead a healthy life and ministry. If there is anything I can do to help you or your team, just let me know!

Become a Productive Pastor!

You have the most difficult and most important job in the world. Everything you do has eternal impact and that’s why being productive matters. This Action Planner was designed to be a trusted advisor in your journey to become a more confident and productive pastor.

As pastors, we have the most important yet difficult job in the world. Our calling requires long hours, diverse responsibilities, and constant demands on our time, energy and attention. In ministry, the needs are endless, the criticisms often sharp, and the expectations always high.

Let’s be honest – it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lose focus of our true priorities in the midst of the chaos.

You need a system to help regain clarity and take control of your time and priorities.

I started experimenting with different productivity tools and techniques. After much trial and error, and about $900 later, I developed a planning system that completely transformed my life.

This system evolved into what is now the Productive Pastor’s Action Planner. Let me walk you through how this planner can revolutionize your ministry as well:

Set Clear Goals Aligned With Your Vision

The planner guides you through a vision casting process – defining your calling, core values, BHAGs (big, hairy, audacious goals), and 1-year SMART goals. This gives you a mission and targets to guide your days and weeks. Suddenly, saying no to certain demands or opportunities is much easier if they don’t align with your goals.

Plan Your Ideal Week

The next step is planning out your perfect week. As leaders, our energy and focus fluctuates at different times in the day. I’m at my best in the late afternoon . But at 11am, I’m not as focused and less productive.

The planner has you block time for your most demanding cognitive tasks during your “power hours.” Then schedule meetings, phone calls, and other duties when you have less energy. This way you’re utilizing your time and attention span optimally.

Suddenly your days will have a level of intentionality that seems like you’ve doubled what you can get done!

Discover What Motivates You

The planner gives you access to powerful personality and motivational assessments. Self awareness is crucial for executive leaders.

For instance, I discovered that I’m driven by high impact problem solving and I need a varity of projects to focus on. This explained why I get energized by big goals and rallying people to action. It also helped me empathize with team members motivated by different things.

Knowing our personality makes us better lead ourselves and lead others.

Lead High Impact Meetings

Meetings are a huge time suck for most busy pastors. The planner shows you how to define clear objectives, prep effectively, keep discussions on track, delegate follow-ups, and get buy-in.

Imagine walking out of your next meeting with the peace of mind that you and your team are setup for a successful week, knowing exactly what needs to get done to move the needle for your church!

Take Weekly/Daily Action Steps

Each day has space to identify your Most Important Task (MIT) and break it down into doable actions. This is huge – suddenly you won’t be overwhelmed by big goals and you’ll have a gameplan for getting it done. 

Every Sunday night, I also do a 15 minute review of the week’s wins and areas for improvement. This helps me continuously learn and get better.

Consistent Growth

The last section helps you create a long-term personal growth plan. Ministry is demanding, but we also need to feed ourselves. The planner ensures you have a plan for personal development – spiritually, relationally, physically, and as a leader.

Please don’t let the busyness define you any longer!

I encourage you to order the Productive Pastor’s Planner today. It will change your life, like it did mine.

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A little about me...

I married my college sweet heart after we graduated because she put me in the friend zone while we were in school. Now we have 3 awesome kids and a crazy dog, I think I broke her with a laser pointer. 

While in college in Boston I fell in love with the idea of how churches got started and helped plant a church just south of Boston when I was a junior. 

It's 17 years later and now I'm the executive pastor at that same church. We have 5 locations and we've planted 5 other local churches. 

Let's Chat!

If there is anything I can do to help you or your team, just let me know.